It's a grey day in Grey County. Again. We had a couple of days of sunshine last week, and boy, did we need it.
While we haven't accumulated a lot more snow, it's been so cold that it's definitely sticking around.
I'm still doing my daily walk, so I thought I'd provide a bit of an overview of how things look through my smart phone lens.
I took this pic on the snowmobile trail I tread from Douglas Street (where we live) to the Saugeen river.
Yesterday, there were two sets of two machines with appropriately suited and helmeted riders. I keep to the right side of the trail and the sledders are always friendly with a wave.

The icicles are fairly large this year. With the sunshine and then freezing, they're growing exponentially on all the houses in the neighbourhood.
The birds appreciated my slogging through two foot drifts to fill up the feeders every few days.

Actually, part of the trail has been closed to snow machines as a result of frazzle ice. Which is something I'd never heard of until this year.

The water in the river is very high, and ice is jamming up the flow.
Apparently, in 1997, a bunch of back yards and basements got flooded in town as a result of this phenomenon. And there's the threat of it happening again this winter.
Yesterday, I took this shot from a safe distance on the opposite side of the path. It looks like the bank has actually separated from the land because there's water flowing through the crack. The river is on the opposite side. Yikes.
The local conservation authority is watching it like a hawk and heavy machinery is on standby in case it's needed. A good thing, because the river goes right through the centre of Durham.
Here's hoping everyone stays safe and unflooded. The farmette isn't in any danger, since we're far enough away and high enough not to be concerned.
I really enjoy communing with Mother Nature while maintaining a healthy respect for her power. Until next week.
Gratuitous cat photo courtesy of Wilma, who prefers curling up in the warm indoors, thank you.
