The world is still cock-a-hoop (always wanted to use that) with Trump continuing his lunatic ravings about absorbing our country. Now, we're heading into a federal election that will be ugly. Anyhow. Enough of that, we just passed the spring equinox, and things are looking more promising, kind of, at least in nature.
Ralph and Alice, a pair of Canada geese that live in our neighbourhood, are back. I named them after the Honeymooners. I don't think they mind.
This was taken on my walk the other day. It's the swampy area across the road from the farmette on Douglas Street. Still pretty iced up, but melting. They nest on one of the clumps of dirt in the middle of the marsh. In a few weeks, their goslings will be waddling across the street in a row, gumming up traffic. But looking sooo cute in their downy fluff.

My snowdrops and crocuses are blooming to beat the band. Looking all cheery amidst the dreary.

March has certainly been one for the books. Up and down like a toilet seat at a mixed party, as a friend used to say.
This past week, the temperature went from 20C on Wednesday, when I went for my walk in a T-shirt and jeans, to -7C yesterday with snow and a cutting west wind. Had to bundle up with coat, toque and scarf for that wee journey.
That's okay. I got a new recipe for oatmeal cookies. Made three and a half dozen of these beauties that are

chock full of pecans and raisins. Socked most of them away in the freezer. They are soooo yummy.
It's a lovely day, although cold, at the farmette. I'll try and get out to visit the feathered neighbours again today. Thank goodness for the changing of the seasons. While we will probably have more days of snow, they'll be fewer and farther between. I have had enough of the white stuff and am itching to get into the gardens. Until next week.
Gratuitous cat photo courtesy of Fred looking sleepy faced, who has finally decided to use the cat basket I put out months ago.
