It's a very wintery day here. Has been since Thursday night. I think we've received at least two and half feet (if not a full three feet) of snow.
We cleared the sidewalk three times on Friday, twice yesterday and I just did it for the first time today.
We're paying for a mild November. Right up until the 29th, we enjoyed green grass.
Thank goodness for Larry, our neighbour who started blowing out the driveway last year. He came early yesterday and, in two passes, cleared what would have taken us half a day.

I actually don't mind winter. As long as we're fully stocked and the lights don't go out. Which they thankfully haven't.
I was thinking of snow shoeing in the back forty, but honestly, the white stuff is fluffy and up to my thighs. NOT fun.
Instead, I think we'll hunker down in the new rec room and listen to music or watch old movies.
Last night, we watched Bernard and the Genie, a movie we fell in love with thirty years ago when Alan Cumming was a wee young white lad (Bernard) and Lennie Henry was a hysterically funny big Black man (the Genie). Highly recommend for some comic relief and a bit of wisdom.

That lump in the middle of the picture is the top of our bird bath.
While it's obviously out of commission, I've kept the feeders on the east and west sides cleared for the juncos, chickadees and mourning doves. I put the suet up, and a woodpecker graced us with his red-headed presence this morning.
It's still snowing. Hoping it will stop soon. The old back muscles are bunching. Until next week.
Gratuitous cat photo courtesy of Wilma and Hobbes. She loves him soooo much she's taken to laying in proximity to him on my chair. But not tooo close - he tends to swat when he feels crowded.
