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Art is good for the soul

It's a grey day (again) in Grey County. I think we've had a total of about 3 sunny days in the last number of weeks. It's warming up, though. Looking at a possible 18C tomorrow!

Last week, Sandy and I took in the Durham Art Gallery's latest offerings, and it was wonderful.

It's called Euphoria: A Juried Exhibition, and it's a collection of several artists' impressions of what that word means. Here she is beside one interpretation that had 10 ink sketches coming out of an old printer. It's by Grace Bridgman and it's called "The Euphoria of a small sketchbook and a tiny, tiny pen!" Clever, eh?

This eye-catching one is called "The Blackbirds Return" by Tanya Zaryski, and they obviously came back in masses.

DAG, as it's known, is a wee building tucked up on the hill beside the mighty Saugeen River.

It may be wee, but it is currently jammed with 61 (!) pieces ranging from oils to acrylics to photography, mixed media and many others. Some are even for sale.

The winner of the Best of Show prize is this vibrant one:

It's called Primal Joy and it's by Jennifer Clark. This one is NFS (not for sale), but it's a wonder to behold, with intricate patterns and gorgeous movement.

Definitely worth a look.

This one is stunning. Who hasn't marvelled at the evening sky after a storm?

It is by Cindy Hobart and is titled "Have You Ever Seen the Rain?"

I think she captures well the way the sun flames out in a broody landscape.

So thankful to have the opportunity to take in the works of fantastically talented artists in our little town. And the fee for admission is by donation. Until next week.

Gratuitous cat photo courtesy of Calvin, who I caught in a rare regal moment as the sun was going down on the farmette.


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