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Check-in at the farmette

It's a rainy, warm day and the snow has nearly completely melted from the farmette property.

It's December and I can't figure out where 2018 went, so I decided to check back over the past few months an​​d do a bit of a summary.

July was a pretty full month, with installing the new blinds in the living room, visits to l​​ocal agricultural expos and harvesting the goodness from the beds and garden.

August was marked by trips to get better acquainted with Grey County's natural wonders, a visit to Stratford for some cultural cultivation, a farm visit to a friend's dairy open house and some serious canning from our bountiful veggie harvest.

September was about fall fairs, hanging with the family, more bounty from the gardens and stunning sunsets at the farmette.

October was the big trip to Sorrento, which was jam-​​packed with experiences from the fascinating archaeology at Pompeii and Herculaneum to the soaring cliffs of Capri to the tasty limoncello at many an outdoor cafe.

November came and the four ladies did our annual get-together - this time in the Big Smoke. We did it up right, with a hazy vista-view lunch in the CN Tower restaurant and a wonderful night of music and song as we thoroughly enjoyed Come From Away. It was also the month when we welcomed our new orange fur ball Calvin and got walloped with an early snowstorm.

While it seems like the last few months have blown by in a nanosecond, taking the time to reflect has shown that we actually were able to pack a lot of living into the second half of 2018. As we enter the home stretch, I think we can look back with a little bit of exhaustion but quite a bit of satisfaction ?! Until next week.

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