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Nostalgia day at the farmette

Funny thing about being sick - gives you a bit of time between the hacking and sleeping and sleeping and hacking - to think.

This past week was a doozy in terms of trying to shed myself of the cold to end all colds. Rob got it about a day later than me, so both of us were down for the count. Not a good prospect for feeding cats or the cleaning the house. Guess which one got done anyway (?!)

All the whining and moaning about being sick aside, on balance, we're pretty lucky people to live in this country, surrounded by family and friends who love us. There are LOTS who are in way worse shape - those poor refugees crossing the border into Quebec and Manitoba come to mind.

So today, I took a time out for a bit of reflection on our good fortune....

Here's one of the first times I met Jane Still - must be about 20 years ago. Rob and I went out to Vancouver to visit Jane and her husband Dana. I quickly realized that not only did we share a lot of facial traits (seriously- she is not a blood relative), we also had a shared penchant for hats.

Jane is actually Rob's old and dear friend from their school days in Oshawa. She and I hit it off right away umpteen years ago. She's smart, sweet and unbelievably organized - and she has a great smile, as you can see.

Jane's turning 70 very soon. She has battled and won against cancer, lost her beloved sister to it, and accomplished great things including building a thriving film school at Capilano University. I stand in awe. Big virtual hugs, Janey - sorry we can't be there to help you celebrate.

Then, there's Rob. We always have tons of fun when we travel, and we used to go somewhere almost every year - mostly to Canadian destinations, but once in a while overseas, as well.

Here, we were in Prince Edward Island, where the wind was blowing so hard that we tried 'leaning in' - and nearly succeeded in having it prop us up!

We've always been the kind of travellers who don't like to have a strict timetable...allowing serendipity to run its course. We've had incredible luck that way - finding out-of-the-way places to stay like the quaint little lighthouse inn at which we bunked down during this trip.

We're plotting and planning for our next big adventure next year - to celebrate our 25th anniversary. We're thinking about renting a lovely villa on the coast of Italy...the food, the wine, the history, the architecture....ah, can't wait.

Sometimes our best adventures and happiest times have been in our own back yard. Here's one of my favourite pictures from when my nieces were little. It was during Erin's love-of-snails period, and luckily our house in Guelph could supply ample numbers for her to play with. Sister Rachel's behind her and Mom Sandy's bringing up the rear.

Whether our good times are had across the country, around the world, down the road or right at home, we know we're incredibly fortunate to be living now, during this time and in this place.

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